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70 results

  • Full statutory proposal information to close Hamstead Infant School, expand Hamstead Junior School in order to create Hamstead Primary School

    In accordance with Statutory Guidance for School Organisation: “Opening and closing maintained schools”; and “Making significant changes (‘prescribed alterations’) to maintained Schools” and Statutory Regulations: “The School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations’ to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013; and “The School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance... More
    Closed 22 October 2023
  • Sandwell Council Housing Asset Management Strategy 2024-2029

    We wanted your views on our new draft Housing Asset Management Strategy 2024-2029. It sets out how we will manage and look after our council housing and buildings, land spaces, play areas and garages. It will guide our future strategic property decisions to make sure we manage our portfolio sustainably and efficiently so that it can adapt to remain fit for the future and support frontline delivery. Our assets are an important part of supporting and enabling us to transform the way... More
    Closed 13 October 2023
  • A461 Cycle Path

    Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council is excited to share with you proposals for an upgraded section of cycle track between Dudley Port Railway Station and Great Bridge along the A461. This follows the receipt of funding from the Department for Transport, called the Active Travel Fund, as part of the Government’s announcement in November 2020 to invest in high-quality cycling and walking infrastructure across England to make local journeys safer for all. ... More
    Closed 13 October 2023
  • Parenting in Sandwell

    Sandwell is committed to supporting local families. We acknowledge that all families may need support from time to time to help them, their babies and their children thrive. Our ambition is for every family to receive the support they need, when they need it. All families should have access to the information and tools they need to be able to care for their babies and children, and to look after their own wellbeing. Local services,... More
    Closed 10 September 2023
  • Sandwell Borough of Sanctuary Strategy

    Residents and community groups are being asked for their views on the Sandwell Borough of Sanctuary Strategy, which is being developed by Sandwell Council and Sandwell’s local Borough of Sanctuary organisations ( ). The aim of this strategy is to establish and deliver a partnership between local organisations and Sandwell Council. The draft strategy sets out the Sandwell Borough of Sanctuary Partnership's commitments to welcoming and... More
    Closed 1 August 2023
  • Moat Farm Schools Change of Age Range

    Moat Farm Infant School and Lavender Farm Day Nursery Sandwell Council is consulting parents / carers, staff and the local community on the change of age range from 2 –7 years to 0–7 years at Moat Farm Infant School. WHAT IS THE PROPOSAL? The school’s current registered age range is 2 -7 years; including Nursery and Reception for children aged 2-5 years and Key Stage One pupils aged 5–7 years. The school... More
    Closed 24 July 2023
  • SHAPE Survey 2023 – Secondary Schools (Year 7 to Year 13) and Colleges

    Sandwell Council would like to hear the views of children and young people in Sandwell so we can meet their needs. Please could you complete the relevant survey below: More
    Closed 24 July 2023
  • SHAPE Survey 2023 – Primary Schools (Year 5 to Year 6)

    Sandwell Council would like to hear the views of children and young people in Sandwell so we can meet their needs. Please could you complete the relevant survey below: More
    Closed 24 July 2023
  • Suggest a topic for Sandwell Scrutiny

    This form allows you to suggest topics for Sandwell's Scrutiny Boards to consider. Not all topics can be taken forward, but all will be considered by councillors for review. Scrutiny can't get involved in local issues (for example things affecting a street or small neighbourhood), or things like planning applications or licensing issues, but it is able to look at anything else that affects the people or borough of Sandwell. If you have more than one topic you would like to... More
    Closed 31 May 2023
  • Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy Consulation 2023

    Home Improvement Agency Sandwell’s Home Improvement Agency can provide support to residents who find it difficult to get around their home. You may be struggling to use the bathroom and the kitchen or you may be finding steps and stairs a challenge. You may benefit from an adaptation to help you to feel safe and confident at home. An Occupational Therapist will need to assess your needs before we can provide stair lifts or level access showers. You may need something bigger... More
    Closed 3 May 2023
70 results. Page 3 of 3