Draft Sandwell Local Plan (Regulation 18)

Closed 18 Dec 2023

Opened 6 Nov 2023


The draft Sandwell Local Plan is a document that plans for the future development of our borough. It sets out how and where we expect to build the new homes we need up to 2041, and what land is required to accommodate new jobs.

This consultation gives you the chance to have your say on the sites that are proposed for development, and where development should or shouldn’t take place in Sandwell.

Sandwell Council has identified enough land to build more than 11,000 new homes by 2041. However, this isn’t enough to meet the expected housing needs of our growing population.

Around 97% of these homes will be built on previously developed or brownfield land. The draft Local Plan protects the Green Belt and does not propose any new development within it.

The draft Sandwell Local Plan also sets out how we will address challenges like dealing with climate change, protecting our natural environment, supporting our high streets, and encouraging sustainable travel. It includes policies that will help us meet our target to be a carbon neutral borough by 2041.

Why your views matter

It is really important that everyone who is interested gets involved in the consultation. Don't miss your chance to have a say!

The Local Plan will set out policies and land allocations that will impact everyone who lives, works, invests or has an interest in the borough. It will set out how we expect the borough to regenerate and grow to the year 2041.

What happens next

We began work on the new Sandwell Local Plan at the end of 2022. In February – March 2023 we held a public consultation on the issues facing Sandwell and some possible options for addressing these challenges. We have used the responses from the Issues and Options consultation and a large amount of technical evidence to produce the Draft Sandwell Local Plan. Some of the information used to prepare the Black Country Plan remains relevant and we have reused it.

The consultation during November - December 2023 is asking residents and interested people to provide their views on the Draft Sandwell Local Plan. 

We will use the responses to inform the preparation of the next stage of the Plan, which is called the Publication Sandwell Local Plan. There will be a further consultation on the Publication Plan in July 2024 – however, at this stage responses will only be sought on whether the Plan has been prepared in accordance with legislation and national planning guidance.

Following this, the Publication Sandwell Local Plan will be submitted to the Secretary of State along with relevant technical evidence and consultation responses. The Secretary of State will appoint an independent Planning Inspector who will examine the Local Plan in a public forum called an Examination in Public.

If the Planning Inspector is happy with the Local Plan and finds it ‘sound’ they will recommend that it is adopted by Sandwell Council. The Planning Inspector may require changes to be made to the Local Plan before it can be adopted.

The Council will then decide whether to adopt the new Local Plan.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Understanding Views
  • Legislation to Engage