Application for an Environmental Permit
The Pollution Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations 2000 The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 Arcelormittal Construction UK Limited has applied for a permit from Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council to operate an installation producing composite insulating panels which is likely to involve the use in any 12-month period of 5 or more tonnes of di-isocyanate at Cakemore Road, Rowley Regis, West Midlands B65 0QL.
Sandwell MBC - Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025-26 Consultation
As we have to every year, Sandwell Council is currently considering whether any changes are needed to the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme for working age applicants. No changes are being considered for people of pension age as they are covered by a separate national scheme. Across the c ouncil's area, currently around 29,600 Council Tax payers receive Council Tax Reduction of which 18,400 are of working age. The...
Sandwell End of Life Care & Compassionate Communities Questionnaire 2024
Sandwell Council Public Health want to find out your thoughts and opinions on the six Sandwell Better Endings End-of-Life Care Strategy promises. Your responses will help us understand what is working well, what we can improve and overall, how we can better meet the needs of our Sandwell community. This survey is aimed at Sandwell residents aged 18+.
Have your say
Application for an Environmental Permit
The Pollution Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations 2000 The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 Arcelormittal Construction UK Limited has applied for a permit from Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council to operate an installation producing composite insulating panels which is likely to involve the use in any 12-month period of 5 or more tonnes of di-isocyanate at Cakemore Road, Rowley Regis, West Midlands B65 0QL.
Sandwell MBC - Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025-26 Consultation
As we have to every year, Sandwell Council is currently considering whether any changes are needed to the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme for working age applicants. No changes are being considered for people of pension age as they are covered by a separate national scheme. Across the c ouncil's area, currently around 29,600 Council Tax payers receive Council Tax Reduction of which 18,400 are of working age. The...
Closed consultations and engagement
Rowley Ward - Qualifications and Employability
Sandwell Council and Sandwell College are working together to evaluate how we can best support the residents of Rowley Ward gain qualifications, increase employability and support in finding employment. This survey will ask you details about your current qualifications and if you have any interest in gaining further qualifications or support in gaining employment.
Mobility Scooter Policy
We are working in partnership with local residents to develop our Mobility Scooter Policy, which is currently being revised. Mobility scooters have become an increasingly popular mode of transportation for individuals with disabilities or mobility issues - this is especially apparent in Sandwell where the proportion of residents identifying as disabled is 20% (compared to 17.8% in England and Wales). As the use of these mobility vehicles grows, so do the concerns regarding...
West Bromwich Town Centre- Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Renewal
Renewal of West Bromwich PSPO The current Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in West Bromwich Town Centre is due for renewal. A PSPO is a legal measure designed to prevent anti-social behaviour in public spaces, enhancing the quality of life for residents and visitors by addressing specific nuisances and problems. Under the existing PSPO, it is an offence to: Cause harassment, alarm, or distress to anyone. Threaten violence or be verbally...