Tell us what you think and help shape Sandwell

Take part in consultations, surveys and conversations that interest you, and find out more about decisions we’ve made


Share your views on our featured consultations

Hydes Road Playing Fields WLUP Consultation

As part of the Wednesbury Levelling Up Partnership Sandwell Council is inviting residents, businesses, and community groups to have their say on plans to improve Hydes Road Pavilion and Playing Fields. The Playing Fields are a really important asset for the Community to use for a mix of both sporting and passive recreation. The project aims to improve the Green Space, refurbish the existing Pavilion and ensure that the site is used for future generations. The current...

Closes 9 August 2024

Sandwell Open Spaces Assessment Survey

Sandwell Council are asking residents to share their views on their local open spaces including parks and gardens, sports facilities, spaces for nature, play spaces, allotments and community gardens. One respondent from each of Sandwell’s six towns will also receive a £25 shopping voucher. There will be an opportunity to enter the prize draw at the end of the survey. Terms and conditions of the prize draw apply and can be viewed here

Closes 9 August 2024

Community Asset Transfer Strategy

Welcome to the consultation on our draft Community Asset Transfer (CAT) Strategy. A Community Asset Transfer is a process to allow a community organisation to take over the management of publicly owned land or buildings (and in certain circumstances associated services) and is usually undertaken at less than market value, in recognition of the public benefits that the community use will bring. The Council currently have an existing policy for Community...

Closes 12 August 2024

Have your say

Open opportunities to get involved

Hydes Road Playing Fields WLUP Consultation

As part of the Wednesbury Levelling Up Partnership Sandwell Council is inviting residents, businesses, and community groups to have their say on plans to improve Hydes Road Pavilion and Playing Fields. The Playing Fields are a really important asset for the Community to use for a mix of both sporting and passive recreation. The project aims to improve the Green Space, refurbish the existing Pavilion and ensure that the site is used for future generations. The current...

Closes 9 August 2024

Sandwell Open Spaces Assessment Survey

Sandwell Council are asking residents to share their views on their local open spaces including parks and gardens, sports facilities, spaces for nature, play spaces, allotments and community gardens. One respondent from each of Sandwell’s six towns will also receive a £25 shopping voucher. There will be an opportunity to enter the prize draw at the end of the survey. Terms and conditions of the prize draw apply and can be viewed here

Closes 9 August 2024

Closed consultations and engagement

Issues we've asked you about previously

A457 Oldbury Ringway Pedestrian & Cycle Improvements

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council is pleased to share with you proposals for improved pedestrian and cycle facilities, adjacent to the A457 Oldbury Ringway between its link with Dudley Rd A457 and Churchbridge A4034. This follows the receipt of funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, called the Towns Fund, as part of the Government’s plan for Levelling Up the UK economy. These proposals are intended to help link other...

Closed 26 July 2024

Local Lettings Plan - Alfred Gunn House

We are working in partnership with local residents to develop the Local Lettings Plan for Alfred Gunn House, which is currently being refurbished. A Local Lettings Plan is an additional criteria for a specific area, estate or block of apartments. It means that the Local Lettings Plan properties affected will be allocated in a different way to the usual approach. Once the refurbishment is completed, there will be 130 properties in the block (75 2-bedroomed flats and 55 1-bedroomed...

Closed 5 July 2024

Sandwell Business growth feedback survey

The purpose of this survey is to gather feedback from businesses that have engaged with Sandwell Business Growth. Your responses will help us assess the effectiveness of our services and identify areas for improvement. We are committed to supporting the growth and success of businesses in Sandwell, and your feedback is invaluable in helping us achieve this goal.

Closed 17 June 2024

Your impact

Outcomes of issues we have asked you about previously. See all outcomes

We asked

The Department for Education Statutory Guidance for School Organisation regulations: ‘Making significant changes (‘prescribed alterations’) to maintained schools’ and The School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013 requires that when the Local Authority is proposing a significant alteration, i.e., a change to the age range, it must consult upon the proposal and make a formal decision to make the alteration permanent. The LA asked for your views on the statutory proposals to lower the age range of Moat Farm Infant School from 2 – 7 years to 0 – 7 years.

You said

38 representations to the Statutory Proposal were received.  5 of those responses objected to the change of age range.  2 responders provided the following comments;

Objection: Teaching staff; “We do not have the facilities to cater to below 2 years of age. We cater for a small number of 2 year old children. As our Nursery is not big enough or facilitated to cater to very young children.”

Position: Moat Farm Infant School Nursery caters for 2-5 year old children in a small nursery block.  The change to the age range of Moat Farm Infant School is to incorporate the children attending Lavender Farm Day Nursery which currently caters for children from six weeks to 5 years in a separate building.  These children will continue to use the facilities at Lavender Farm Day Nursery.  There are no re-organisational changes expected as a result of the change in age range proposal.


Objection: Resident; “If it’s not broken it doesn’t need fixing, the shack up & change will be disturbing, is it really necessary. You will then need to change the juniors!”

Position: As a maintained Local Authority school, the Governing Body have been able to run Lavender Farm Day Nursery using its community powers in addition to operating its own school nursery.  When the school converts to academy status the Governing Body will no longer have those powers.  Changing the school’s age range to include the children attending Lavender Farm Day Nursery will enable the Governing Body to continue to run this nursery and the school nursery.  Children will continue to attend nursery in the same way as they currently do.  The number of children being admitted into Reception at the school is not being increased, therefore there will not be a need to change the admission number for the Junior School.

We did

On 13 September 2023 Cabinet approved the recommendation to publish the Statutory Proposal for the change of age range at Moat Farm Infant School from 2-7 years to 0-7 years old.  Decision No.102/23(1) b., gave approval to the Director of Children’s Services and Education to make a final decision on the proposal for the prescribed alteration at the school, subject to no objections being raised during the statutory representation period for the Statutory Proposal.  In the event that any objections were raised during the statutory representation period, Decision No.102/23(1) c., requires a report is submitted to the Cabinet Member, with full details of representations received to inform a final decision on the proposal.

A report was presented to the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education on 14 November 2023 and approval was given to make the prescribed alternations for the school.  Decisions taken by the Cabinet Member can be found on the council's website;

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