A461 Cycle Path

Closed 13 Oct 2023

Opened 25 Sep 2023

Feedback updated 11 Jan 2024

We asked

Your thoughts on the proposals for an upgraded section of cycle track between Dudley Port Railway Station and Great Bridge along the A461.

This follows the receipt of funding from the Department for Transport, called the Active Travel Fund, as part of the Government’s announcement in November 2020 to invest in high-quality cycling and walking infrastructure across England to make local journeys safer for all.

You said

We have objections to said proposal in some quarters

We did

Following the recent consultation held for the proposals for improved pedestrian and cycle facilities, including an upgraded section of cycle track between Dudley Port Railway Station and Great Bridge along the A461 a Decision Making Session was held with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways to consider objections. There were no further representations from members of the public or local ward members and the decision was taken to proceed with the proposals.


Construction works are scheduled for January 2024 to summer 2024.




Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council is excited to share with you proposals for an upgraded section of cycle track between Dudley Port Railway Station and Great Bridge along the A461. This follows the receipt of funding from the Department for Transport, called the Active Travel Fund, as part of the Government’s announcement in November 2020 to invest in high-quality cycling and walking infrastructure across England to make local journeys safer for all.


It is hoped that the fully segregated cycle route will give residents the confidence to embed cycling and walking into their travel arrangements, which will in turn have positive impacts on air quality and the environment, as well as the health and wellbeing of residents. The route improvements consist of: 

  • 1.2km of two-way segregated cycle tracks, ensuring cyclists are separated from both pedestrians and traffic
  • New crossing facilities,
  • Upgrading existing crossing facilities,
  • Movement of bus shelters so that they are closer to the station and near crossing facilities
  • Adjustment of kerblines allowing the widening of footways

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Current Plan is shown below:

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A public exhibition will be held at Dudley Port Railway Station on Wednesday 4th October 2023 from 1pm-7pm and 7th October 2023 from 10am - 3pm where Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council officers will be available to discuss the proposed scheme.

Alternatively you can email your comments to transport_planning@sandwell.gov.uk or send your written comments to Andy Miller, Sandwell Council House Freeth St, Oldbury B69 3DB

UK GDPR/Data Protection Act 2018

All information will be processed in accordance with UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018. Personal information will be held solely for the purposes of the consultation and to analyse the responses. The information will be held for a period of 6 months.

For further information, please refer to the council’s privacy notice:www.sandwell.gov.uk/privacynotice


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