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46 results

  • Blackheath Interchange

    Investment from Towns Fund provides an opportunity to help solve problems restricting Blackheath's growth and prosperity, specifically sustainable connectivity. In January / February 2023 Sandwell Council consulted traders and residents of Blackheath on proposals to create a bus interchange around Market Place. The scheme forms part of the Council’s Rowley Regis Towns Fund approval. The consultation process was a rigorous one and the Council... More
    Opened 13 March 2024
  • Contract for a New Carer's Support Service in Sandwell

    Are you a family member, friend or neighbour who provides, or has provided, unpaid care to someone living in Sandwell? Or do you have family or friends in Sandwell who provide unpaid care? Or are you someone whose job involves working with carers If you are, Sandwell Council wants your views as we plan to commission our new Carer's Support Service contract. We need your help to design this service, to improve... More
    Opened 20 March 2024
  • Full Statutory Proposal for the Change of Age range at Highfields Primary School

    Following the initial consultation, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council is now in a formal 4 week representation period on a proposal to lower the age range of Highfields Primary School from 3-11 to 5-11 years of age with effect from September 2024. The proposal is to change the age range to 5 to 11 years effectively closing the nursery. The school has experienced a drop in nursery place applications for some time because as a maintained school nursery it... More
    Opened 29 April 2024
  • Wednesbury Town Centre Masterplan Consultation

    The draft Wednesbury Town Centre Masterplan consultation provides a significant opportunity for the community to actively participate in the planning and development at the heart of the town. By sharing their ideas, aspirations, and concerns, residents will play a crucial role in creating a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable town centre for generations to come. What is a Masterplan? A masterplan is a document that guides how places will change over period of time and helps with... More
    Opened 7 May 2024
  • Local Lettings Plan - Alfred Gunn House

    We are working in partnership with local residents to develop the Local Lettings Plan for Alfred Gunn House, which is currently being refurbished. A Local Lettings Plan is an additional criteria for a specific area, estate or block of apartments. It means that the Local Lettings Plan properties affected will be allocated in a different way to the usual approach. Once the refurbishment is completed, there will be 130 properties in the block (75 2-bedroomed flats and 55 1-bedroomed... More
    Opened 22 May 2024
  • Sandwell Business growth feedback survey

    The purpose of this survey is to gather feedback from businesses that have engaged with Sandwell Business Growth. Your responses will help us assess the effectiveness of our services and identify areas for improvement. We are committed to supporting the growth and success of businesses in Sandwell, and your feedback is invaluable in helping us achieve this goal. More
    Opened 7 June 2024
  • A457 Oldbury Ringway Pedestrian & Cycle Improvements

    Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council is pleased to share with you proposals for improved pedestrian and cycle facilities, adjacent to the A457 Oldbury Ringway between its link with Dudley Rd A457 and Churchbridge A4034. This follows the receipt of funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, called the Towns Fund, as part of the Government’s plan for Levelling Up the UK economy. These proposals are intended to help link other... More
    Opened 5 July 2024
  • Sandwell Story

    Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council have commissioned thinkingplace to work with us to develop a long term, shared, place story for Sandwell. This will help build pride and local confidence, market the area to attract people to Sandwell, encourage inward investment and visitors, create jobs, and support existing business in the area. Sandwell has some great assets, lots of potential, and more needs to be done to raise the profile and image of... More
    Opened 5 July 2024
  • Sandwell Open Spaces Assessment Survey

    Sandwell Council are asking residents to share their views on their local open spaces including parks and gardens, sports facilities, spaces for nature, play spaces, allotments and community gardens. One respondent from each of Sandwell’s six towns will also receive a £25 shopping voucher. There will be an opportunity to enter the prize draw at the end of the survey. Terms and conditions of the prize draw apply and can be viewed here More
    Opened 9 July 2024
  • Community Asset Transfer Strategy

    Welcome to the consultation on our draft Community Asset Transfer (CAT) Strategy. A Community Asset Transfer is a process to allow a community organisation to take over the management of publicly owned land or buildings (and in certain circumstances associated services) and is usually undertaken at less than market value, in recognition of the public benefits that the community use will bring. The Council currently have an existing policy for Community... More
    Opened 15 July 2024
  • Rowley Ward - Qualifications and Employability

    Sandwell Council and Sandwell College are working together to evaluate how we can best support the residents of Rowley Ward gain qualifications, increase employability and support in finding employment. This survey will ask you details about your current qualifications and if you have any interest in gaining further qualifications or support in gaining employment. More
    Opened 19 July 2024
  • Hydes Road Playing Fields WLUP Consultation

    As part of the Wednesbury Levelling Up Partnership Sandwell Council is inviting residents, businesses, and community groups to have their say on plans to improve Hydes Road Pavilion and Playing Fields. The Playing Fields are a really important asset for the Community to use for a mix of both sporting and passive recreation. The project aims to improve the Green Space, refurbish the existing Pavilion and ensure that the site is used for future generations. The current... More
    Opened 22 July 2024
  • Mobility Scooter Policy

    We are working in partnership with local residents to develop our Mobility Scooter Policy, which is currently being revised. Mobility scooters have become an increasingly popular mode of transportation for individuals with disabilities or mobility issues - this is especially apparent in Sandwell where the proportion of residents identifying as disabled is 20% (compared to 17.8% in England and Wales). As the use of these mobility vehicles grows, so do the concerns regarding... More
    Opened 25 July 2024
  • Sandwell End of Life Care & Compassionate Communities Questionnaire 2024

    Sandwell Council Public Health want to find out your thoughts and opinions on the six Sandwell Better Endings End-of-Life Care Strategy promises. Your responses will help us understand what is working well, what we can improve and overall, how we can better meet the needs of our Sandwell community. This survey is aimed at Sandwell residents aged 18+. More
    Opened 1 August 2024
  • West Bromwich Town Centre- Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Renewal

    Renewal of West Bromwich PSPO The current Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in West Bromwich Town Centre is due for renewal. A PSPO is a legal measure designed to prevent anti-social behaviour in public spaces, enhancing the quality of life for residents and visitors by addressing specific nuisances and problems. Under the existing PSPO, it is an offence to: Cause harassment, alarm, or distress to anyone. Threaten violence or be verbally... More
    Opened 7 August 2024
  • Men's Mental Health Campaign Surveys 2024

    We want all people in Sandwell to “feel good and function well” to give them the best opportunity to live their life to its full potential. Anyone can have poor mental health at any time in their lives. However, people in Sandwell have been shown to have high rates of common mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, as well as more serious mental illness. Men are less likely to seek mental health support or get support when they are in a mental health crisis. Suicide is... More
    Opened 14 August 2024
46 results. Page 2 of 2