Open activities

6 results

  • Mobility Scooter Policy

    We are working in partnership with local residents to develop our Mobility Scooter Policy, which is currently being revised. Mobility scooters have become an increasingly popular mode of transportation for individuals with disabilities or mobility issues - this is especially apparent in Sandwell where the proportion of residents identifying as disabled is 20% (compared to 17.8% in England and Wales). As the use of these mobility vehicles grows, so do the concerns regarding... More
    Opened 25 July 2024
  • Hydes Road Playing Fields WLUP Consultation

    As part of the Wednesbury Levelling Up Partnership Sandwell Council is inviting residents, businesses, and community groups to have their say on plans to improve Hydes Road Pavilion and Playing Fields. The Playing Fields are a really important asset for the Community to use for a mix of both sporting and passive recreation. The project aims to improve the Green Space, refurbish the existing Pavilion and ensure that the site is used for future generations. The current... More
    Opened 22 July 2024
  • Rowley Ward - Qualifications and Employability

    Sandwell Council and Sandwell College are working together to evaluate how we can best support the residents of Rowley Ward gain qualifications, increase employability and support in finding employment. This survey will ask you details about your current qualifications and if you have any interest in gaining further qualifications or support in gaining employment. More
    Opened 19 July 2024
  • Community Asset Transfer Strategy

    Welcome to the consultation on our draft Community Asset Transfer (CAT) Strategy. A Community Asset Transfer is a process to allow a community organisation to take over the management of publicly owned land or buildings (and in certain circumstances associated services) and is usually undertaken at less than market value, in recognition of the public benefits that the community use will bring. The Council currently have an existing policy for Community... More
    Opened 15 July 2024
  • Sandwell Open Spaces Assessment Survey

    Sandwell Council are asking residents to share their views on their local open spaces including parks and gardens, sports facilities, spaces for nature, play spaces, allotments and community gardens. One respondent from each of Sandwell’s six towns will also receive a £25 shopping voucher. There will be an opportunity to enter the prize draw at the end of the survey. Terms and conditions of the prize draw apply and can be viewed here More
    Opened 9 July 2024
  • Sandwell Story

    Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council have commissioned thinkingplace to work with us to develop a long term, shared, place story for Sandwell. This will help build pride and local confidence, market the area to attract people to Sandwell, encourage inward investment and visitors, create jobs, and support existing business in the area. Sandwell has some great assets, lots of potential, and more needs to be done to raise the profile and image of... More
    Opened 5 July 2024
6 results. Page 1 of 1