Wednesbury Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan Consultation
What is a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan?
Wednesbury Conservation Area was designated as a Conservation Area in 1980 because of its special architectural and historic interest due to its high quality built form and many positive buildings.
Conservation Areas are areas of special architectural and historic interest and are therefore worthy of preserving or enhancing. The character of the area is assessed as a whole rather than the quality of individual buildings or features, but they may contribute to this special character.
As part of the Historic England and Sandwell Council funded High Street Heritage Action Zone project, a draft Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan has been produced:
- The Appraisal aims to identify the special architectural and historic character of the conservation area.
- The Management Plan provides guidance to help preserve and enhance that special character.
The document is intended to be a guide to the history, architecture and character of the area, provide guidance for making changes in the area, and may help with future funding applications.
Upon adoption, it will provide guidance to planning applicants, developers and architects if building works are proposed that require planning permission, and it will also provide a sound basis for decisions made by the Council on planning applications and other proposals.
For further information about conservation areas, please see Historic England's advice on conservation areas.
Why your views matter
A six-week public consultation is being held to gather your opinions on the documents.
Your views are important as they provide valuable insights into how you feel about Wednesbury Conservation Area and its special character. Through your involvement, we can ensure that any proposed changes align with community needs and preferences.
Consultation materials will also be provided at Wednesbury Library and Town Hall.
What happens next
Once the consultation period has ended, we will consider all responses received and, where applicable, make changes to the final version of the Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan before it is adopted by the Council.
Feedback on the consultation will be provided on this page.
In Person Event - Market Place
From 11 Nov 2023 at 09:00 to 11 Nov 2023 at 12:00Speak to the Conservation Officer at Market Place
In Person Event - Wednesbury Town Hall
From 16 Nov 2023 at 10:00 to 16 Nov 2023 at 16:00Speak to the Conservation Officer at Wednesbury Town Hall
- Friar Park
- Wednesbury North
- Wednesbury South
- Open Consulation
- Understanding Views
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