Community Asset Transfer Strategy

Closed 12 Aug 2024

Opened 15 Jul 2024


Welcome to the consultation on our draft Community Asset Transfer (CAT) Strategy.

A Community Asset Transfer is a process to allow a community organisation to take over the management of publicly owned land or buildings (and in certain circumstances associated services) and is usually undertaken at less than market value, in recognition of the public benefits that the community use will bring.

The Council currently have an existing policy for Community Asset Transfers, however given the fluid nature of both the economic and social environments, an updated version is now required to ensure all applicable outcomes are addressed in line with current Council policies and meets the needs of both the public body and VCO’s.

The survey should take no more than 10 minutes and responses must be made by midnight on 12 August 2024.

Any queries can be sent by email to the property services team

Why your views matter

We are keen to co-design our strategies and policies wherever possible in a transparent manner.

Sandwell Council is committed to asset transfer that will bring benefits to communities and contribute towards achieving the Council´s Vision 2030

In order to obtain feedback and ensure that our strategy meets the needs of community groups we would ask that you answer the questions in the survey.

What happens next

This strategy and process consultation is now closed. Your feedback will inform the final version of the documents. We will publish the final version here. 


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