Complaints Compensation Policy

Closes 5 Mar 2025

Opened 5 Feb 2025


We are working with local residents to develop our Complaints Compensation Policy.

The aim of this policy is to provide a framework for offering compensation to tenants and residents where appropriate.

To offer reasonable compensation to tenants and residents who have been affected by failures in service, and to restore residents to the position they would have been in had the service failure not occurred.

This policy has been created to provide clarity and transparency in compensation offers.

It is intended that this will improve complaint handling and resident satisfaction, measured through tenant and resident feedback, as well as continued monitoring of Housing Ombudsman determinations.

This policy only covers discretionary compensation.

Please take the time to read the draft policy before responding. All answers to the survey will remain anonymous.

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Why your views matter

It is really important that we have the perspective of as many people as possible who live and work in Sandwell every day when developing the policy. We want to make sure that everyone has had an opportunity to be part of shaping this with us and look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible.

If you have any questions about the document or the consultation as a whole, please email

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